We want to teach you how to get your property ready for springtime.
It’s always good to keep your tractor and farm machinery ready for the cold, harsh winter weather. Winterizing is super important. You will reap the rewards come springtime.
If you do not winterize your equipment or your property, you are not alone. It is quite common.
The bottom line is that winterizing saves you time, money, energy, and headaches come spring, when time is of the essence.
Why It Is Important to Get Ready for the Spring Season
Winterizing your land will help protect your property from the harsh winter weather. It will also give you a fresh start in the springtime.
You need to do things like machine-based work with a multi-use landscape rake. This mixes this year’s compost into your garden beds. You should also clean and store your tools.
Do these tasks while the outside temperature is still mild. This could even increase your yields for the next growing season.
‘Winterizing’ Checklist
Here is a short list of land ‘winterizing’ tips:

Mix compost. Depending on the size of your land, you can use your tractor to add in compost. You can also use hand tools. A good quality compost mixture typically includes a 4:1 ratio of brown materials (dry, dead leaves, grass clippings) and green materials (kitchen scraps, manure, fresh clippings) for the right balance of texture and nutrients.

Cut the lawn. At the end of the growing season, use your finish mower to cut your grass down to 2” to 2.5.” This will limit pests and protect new growth.
Service tools. To remove dirt and grime, wash all tools with soapy water, and dry with a microfiber cloth. Use a wire brush or steel wool to tackle rust spots. You can sharpen edges with a flat mill file or a whetstone. Lightly rub linseed oil onto wooden tool handles or moving parts, then store in a dry place.
Prune the perennials. Begin pruning as soon as the trees lose their leaves.

Prep snow gear. Remove snow shovels, snow blowers, and snow blades from storage. Also, get all your winter work clothing ready to use.

Mulch. Use roughly 2” of mulch to limit water loss. This will help stabilize soil temperatures.
Plant a cover crop. Protect your soil with a winter cover crop. This will benefit items planted at the end of the season such as peas, legumes, clovers, barley, etc. Under snow cover, these crops will compost and replenish the ground with microbes and nutrients. This will also help limit erosion.
Reduce winter stress on your animals. Make sure to repair feeders, waterers, and fix fences. Also, seal gaps and holes that allow cold winds or snow to get inside.
If you need any further help, or have any questions about winterizing, tractors, or anything else, please contact your dealer, local mechanic, or call us at 602-734-9944. Please ask about our current new and used tractor supply.
Team Tractor and Equipment - #1 Tractor Dealer in Arizona. We sell and service most major brands of tractors including Yanmar, Kubota, John Deere, TYM, Mahindra, Kioti, Case, New Holland, Massey Ferguson, Ford, Deutz, Case IH, Farmall, International Harvester, Branson Tractors, LS, Shibura, Claas Tractor, McCormick Tractors, Valtra, Solis, YTO, Montana, and Nortrac.